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New paper published in the “Forum Fiscal de Álava” magazine
Friday, 3 de December de 2010

The issue of November of “Forum Fiscal de Álava” published the research paper “¿Solución final al traslado de las “mochilas de IVA” entre las diferentes Administraciones tributarias?” by Juan Ignacio Martín Alonso

Appointment of a new vocal of the Board of Arbitration of the Economic Agreement
Sunday, 21 de November de 2010

On the 22nd of November 2010, the Joint Committee on the Economic Agreement, appointed the jurist Francisco Javier Muguruza Arrese to replace Fernando de la Hucha Celador, Professor of Financial and Tax Law in the Public University of Navarre, in the post of vocal of the Board of Arbitration of the Economic Agreement.

“Lehendakari Leizaola” Prize
Friday, 2 de July de 2010

The jurist Iñaki Alonso Arce obtained the Leizaola prize, announced by the IVAP, with his research study “El Concierto Económico en Europa. El equilibrio entre la autonomía tributaria foral y la construcción de la Europa del futuro“. The second prize was won by Margarita Serna Vallejo with her study “Los viajes pesquero-comerciales de guipuzcoanos y vizcaínos a Terranova (1530-1808): su régimen jurídico“.

Armour or Blindaje of the Economic Agreement
Wednesday, 2 de June de 2010

On the 20th of February 2010, the Organic Law 1/2010 February 19th, of amendment of the Organic Laws of the Constitutional Court and of the Judiciary, was published in the Official State Gazette. This amendment law assigns the review competence of the Normas Forales regulating tax issues to the Constitutional Court.

Boletín Oficial del Estado del 20 de febrero de 2010

New publication on the financing systems of the Autonomous Communities in Spain
Saturday, 2 de January de 2010

The Spanish Association of Parliamentary Lawyers (AELPA) held its 16th seminar in 2010, on the theme of the financing of the autonomous communities within the framework of the Constitution, the LOFCA (Organic Law for financing the Autonomous Communities) and the Basque Economic Agreement. The minutes of the seminar are published by Editorial Tecnos.
