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The website is back up
Thursday, 25 de April de 2013

Hello again,

As you already know, during the last month, we have been working on different points that affect the website contents in order to take into account some of your suggestions. The website will be fully operational as of today and we will continue to keep you up to date on the Economic Agreement.

You will find two main brand-new aspects to the new website.

The first is a new Library section under the “Documentation” heading.  The section is structured into 6 sub-categories and you will find reference lists of the books and even, in the cases where we have managed to obtain them, a pdf of the index of the book. We have initially tried to include the most basic bibliography, but we will continue to add to it as we find further references. We strongly urge you to send us any references that you believe are worth sharing.

The second refers to a new Documentation search engine, which solves the limitations detected in the earlier ones, such as the titles of the records, the power to perform searches with special characters (such as the ñ) and searches with accents.  You will find cleared and more comprehensive records with contents distributed by fields and by lists and where the option to download the document is shown in a more user-friendly way.

There are also more features when performing searches and you can filter not only by category, but also by other fields such as authors, key subjects, etc.

By the way, you will find that the latest news item on last Friday’s Seminar has been repeated during the migration from one system to another.  Please accept our apologies.

Thank you.