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III Economic Agreement Seminar
Saturday, 9 de January de 2016

On 21 and 22 January, the III Economic Agreement Seminar will be held in the Tomás Moro Hall at the seat of the Basque Parliament in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

As was the case in the previous two seminars, the Basque Parliament has worked with the Association for Promoting and Disseminating the Economic Agreement-Ad Concordiam to organise the sessions. The speakers on this occasion will focus on the Economic Agreement as a fiscal federalism model. Other international models and their characteristics will therefore be analysed from the perspective of the Economic Agreement system.

Roberto Bernales Soriano, Professor of Tax Lax at Deusto University, will provide an overview of fiscal federalism in the 21st century on the first day. It will then be the turn of Julio López Laborda, Senior Professor of Public Economics at Zaragoza University, who will compare the provincial and common regime financing model, and the session will end with Mikel Erkoreka González Researcher at the Contemporary History Department Universidad del País Vasco /Euskal herriko Unibertsitatea, who will analyse Swiss fiscal federalism from the Basque Country perspective.

The second day will begin with Gemma Martínez Bárbara, the Head of the Fiscal Policy Unit at Bizkaia Provincial Council and member of Ad Concordiam, who will address the relations between the fiscal federalism models of the United States and of the Basque Country. James Johnston, Clerk at the Scottish Parliament, will then speak about fiscal devolution to Scotland, starting from the Basque experience. The Basque Government’s Minister for the Treasury and Finances, Ricardo Gatzagaetxebarria Bastida, will consider the current situation of the Economic Agreement to bring the event to a close.

Seminar programme