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New documents included in the website
Wednesday, 12 de October de 2011

Four new articles have been added to the documentation section:

“The Basque Economic Agreement within the legal and constitutional framework of the Restoration and the Second Spanish Republic”, by the  University of Deusto professor, Mr Santiago Larrázabal Basáñez, in Forulege at the Basque Academy of Law.

“An expensive end to a long “fiscal break”, by Mr Juan Martín Queralt, in number 250/251 of the Fiscal Tribune.

“Chronicle of a judicial rectification. sentence of the Supreme Court of 2-6-11 regarding the Biscay Fiscal Note on Corporation Tax”, by Mr Jose Luis Etxebarria Monasterio, in the September edition of the Forum Fiscal de Bizkaia.

“Resolutions of the Board of Arbitration of the Basque Economic Agreement”, by Dr Olatz Ereño Garcia, in the September edition of the Forum Fiscal de Araba.

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